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Brooklyness is a collaboration between designers and builders located in Greenpoint Brooklyn, NYC. Founded by lead designer Manuel Saez of Argentina, we are dedicated to creating efficient solutions for urban mobility. We live in the city; we work in the city; we ride in the city. See more of our work at

Brooklyness, a collaboration between bicycle designers and builders, is working on building a new folding electric bicycle called the CMYK 2.0. We have designs ready and are testing the prototype -- now we need your help to build the first run of this powerful, portable, folding electric bike. We have unique rewards to thank you, including a CMYK 2.0 for you to ride in your own neighborhood! The CMYK 2.0 will be the perfect complement to public transportation. You can ride it from your home or apartment to the train or bus station. Fold down the handlebars and seat to carry it on board. Ride it to your office, and fold it again to store under your desk or cube. A small bike for a small apartment, the CMYK 2.0 understands urban living. Because it runs on both electricity and ?pedal power,? there?s no limit to how far you can go on the CMYK 2.0. Achieve speeds of up to 16-20 KM/H (10-12 MPH). Plug it into any 110-220 Volt outlet and get up to 50 minutes of powered riding. When that runs out, use your feet! Our designs are ready, and we?re partnering with Ideame to raise the funds needed to build the first run of bikes. Be a part of Brooklyness at the different levels of support, and we?ll send you a gift and our thanks! All items are shipping from Brooklyn, NY USA--If you are in the neighborhood, you can pick up the items from our workshop. If you are in the USA, please choose domestic shipping. If you are anywhere else in the world, please choose international shipping.
Recaudó $ 2,476 USD
  • 0 min. restantes
  • 20.7 k vistas
  • 8 colaboradores

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